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Experts in this field hold knowledge regarding the manner through which ergonomic design is able to effectively contribute toward a safe and non-traumatic work space. Workers employed in the manufacturing industry often perform heavy, high-risk tasks, working with dangerous equipment and machinery in loud environments. As a result there are a large number of illnesses, injuries and fatalities, resulting in expensive workers compensation claims and high premiums.
Many of the injuries in manufacturing are musculoskeletal disorders caused by cumulative trauma. Injuries that result from cumulative wear and tear include back injuries, tendinitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Workplace risk factors, if ergonomic design is poor for manufacturing processes, include repetitive motions, high forces, awkward postures and vibration exposure. Injuries can be associated with such activities as manual material handling, hand tool usage, awkward postures and prolonged equipment
Common risks when working in the manufacturing industry include:
- Slips, trips and falls
- Manual handling injuries
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Physical injuries
- Death
An ergonomist would be of great assistance to a legal process. An ergonomist can be consulted to minimise these risks when designing manufacturing plant and processes. Simple procedures like non-slip surfaces, safety information and large visible warning labels, enforced restrictions on manual lifting, guard rails, easily accessible removable parts when repairing machinery, safety clothes (visors, ear-protection, hi-vis colours, steel-capped boots, back harnesses, protective gloves), and comprehensive training, supervision, and record-keeping can all minimise harm on the factory floor. Provision of this specialised knowledge may provide integral information to a case.
Experts in this area will have had extensive knowledge relating to the design features of manufacturing equipment, the procedures of the manufacturing use, and other best practice and industry standard applications which effectively contributes to assessment of the ergonomic capacity of manufacturing equipment. The specific specialisation and background needed in your ergonomist will be determined by the circumstances of the matter in question.
At the bottom of this profile are brief details of a number of the experts that Expert Experts represents. Call our office to discuss your requirements and to obtain a recommendation that suits your needs and budget.
Expertise in ActionExperts in this field are essential to provide opinions on ergonomics in the manufacturing industry and the resultant risk to workers in compensation claims. They may be required to:
- investigate a manufacturing work environment for poor ergonomic design
- assess an employer’s business practices and procedures, and compare them with established industry standards and guidelines
- assess a worker’s physical and psychological injuries related to workplace standards
- investigate and audit systems and standards
Our experts have extensive experience in the identification and assessment of ergonomic issues in manufacturing processes.
Sample ReportsFor some fields of expertise we have some sample sections of de-identified reports. Please contact our office if you are interested in a sample.
CostThe overall cost of expert opinion depends on the services required. Some of the key factors that affect the cost of advice include:
- The need for a view or inspection of a location
- The quantity of documentary material to be reviewed
- Whether there are reports of other experts to be reviewed and commented on in detail
- Whether there is a need for conferences with the expert either in person or by telephone/Skype
The manufacturing industry has a high number of work-related fatalities, injuries and illnesses. From 2003 to 2015, manufacturing had the fourth highest proportion of fatalities according to industry type, representing 9% (275) of all worker fatalities.
Work-related fatalities associated with unsafe design of machinery, plant and powered tools, 2006 – 2011This study examined 639 work-related fatalities that occurred over the period 2006 to 2011 and involved machinery, plant, and powered tools, with the purpose of assessing the extent to which unsafe design contributed to the fatal incident. Of these fatalities, there was sufficient information available on the circumstances of the fatality to be able to make a judgement on the contribution of unsafe design for 523 fatal incidents. Of these, 63 fatalities (12%) were determined to have been either definitely caused by unsafe design or design-related factors clearly contributed to the fatality.
Relevant Cases HOOKER -v- ALLIED PUMPS PTY LTD [No 2] [2018] WADC 129Due to poor ergonomic design in the workplace, a portable alarm accidentally activated resulting in an employee becoming surprised and subsequently injured his neck. The court found for the worker.
Related Blog Articles- Life, TPD and Disability
- Personal injury - public, civil, general liability
- Personal injury - workers compensation
- Work health safety - workplace risks
A sample of our experts in Ergonomics - Manufacturing
Below are short profiles of a few experts with expertise in this field. Please contact our office to discuss your specific requirements and to obtain a recommendation that suits your needs and budget. Expert Experts are experts in finding the right expert for your needs and you pay no more to use Expert Experts than if you searched and found the expert yourself.
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