Meteorology is a science focusing on the Earth’s climate and weather patterns and phenomena, usually in order to predict them in the future. It deals with the chemical, physical and dynamic states of the atmosphere in particular.
At the bottom of this profile are brief details of a number of the experts that Expert Experts represents. Call our office to discuss your requirements and to obtain a recommendation that suits your needs and budget.
Expertise in Action
One of the most practical applications of meteorological studies is weather forecasting. However, it has applications in many other areas including commercial, agricultural, military and scientific environments.
Meteorology can be applied in agricultural environments to determine the effect of weather and climate on plant distribution, crop yield and phenology. It has also been adapted to determine wave forecasts in the navy and ideal conditions for different military procedures. From a commercial and scientific perspective, advances in meteorology have been used to thrust forward the development of aeroplanes, satellites, drones, rockets, weather stations and other technologies.
In terms of providing expert evidence, meteorologists are often required to provide opinion on weather events which resulted in damage and economic loss. For example, in a civil suit involving flooding, an expert in this area may provide opinion regarding the relevant weather conditions and rainfall.
Sample Reports
For some fields of expertise we have some sample sections of de-identified reports. Please contact our office if you are interested in a sample.
The overall cost of expert opinion depends on the services required. Some of the key factors that affect the cost of advice include:
- The need for a view or inspection of a location
- The quantity of documentary material to be reviewed
- Whether there are reports of other experts to be reviewed and commented on in detail
- Whether there is a need for conferences with the expert either in person or by telephone/Skype
Relevant Articles
What is Meteorology?
Meteorology is at the very heart and name of the Met Office, but what exactly does the word refer to? They take a look at the definition of meteorology and how it has developed from shepherds in fields to satellites in the sky.
Meteorology in Legal Cases
Why do the courts need an expert in meteorology? Although meteorology is an every day science, in that almost everyone understands the terms, fog, snow, rain, hail etc, the forensic meteorologist is required to examine weather records and offer an opinion.
Applications of Meteorology to Agriculture
The application of meteorology to agriculture is essential since every facet of agricultural activity depends on the weather.
Relevant Cases
Liebeck v Dawsal Pty Ltd [2010] ACTSC 141
Negligence case where BOM records indicated no rain fell on day applicant alleged slipping injury.
Laoulach v El Khoury [2010] NSWSC 595
Dispute concerning movements of boat at anchor requiring meteorological expert evidence.
Monarch Airlines v Airservices Australia (1997) 72 FCR 534
Case determining whether reasonable to calculate en route and meteorological charges by reference to maximum take-off weight of aircraft.
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