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Expert Skills #ID12949
ID12949 has worked as a registered nurse in a variety of major areas for over 30 years. She began her career working in the Emergency Departments of some of the largest public hospitals in Sydney as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and Triage Registered Nurse. As an Educator and Quality Improvement Coordinator at one such hospital, she developed and coordinated an emergency nursing course and implemented a competency-based triage system. Later, as the Health Service Manager in the CEO Department of a major Children’s Hospital, ID12949 conducted a casemix review of clinical data relating to Diagnostic Related Groups and collated various clinical indicator statistics to prepare reports for the hospital executive. She has also implemented changes in various hospitals regarding Medicare billing and general costing, including the preparation and submission of a major costing proposal to NSW mental health services and the budgeting of a major hospital department.
ID12949 holds a Master of Science in Health Policy and Management from a prestigious Australian university, along with a Graduate Certificate in Accident and Emergency Nursing. She is an Associate Member of the NSW College of Nursing. She also holds a legal qualification which aids her understanding of expert evidence, having recently been admitted as a Lawyer to the Supreme Court of NSW.
Fields of Expertise
Sydney NSW
Education and Experience Highlights
- General Nursing Training
- Master of Science in Health Policy and Management - Australian university
- Diploma in Law - NSW Legal Practitioners’ Admission Board
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice - Australian institute
- Certificate of Legal Business Skills - Australian institute
- Practical Legal Training
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