Expert Skills #ID15649

ID15649 is an urban planner and urban designer with experience in the design and delivery of urban projects. Their experience and expertise in project planning, design management and the securing of development approvals has made them a valuable consultant to private sector developers and local government. They have brought to these jobs a rich knowledge of architecture and urban design and planning.

ID15649 is also experienced in community engagement, environmental, urban planning and urban design litigation, rezoning studies, approvals management, heritage studies, environmental planning, urban design controls and studies, plan reviews and development control and S94 contribution plans.

In addition to their educational achievements, ID15649 has several professional affiliations: they are a full member of the Planning Institute of Australia and a committee member of the Australian Institute of Urban Studies. They are also a guest lecturer in the fields of urban design and planning at a university level.

Education and Experience Highlights

Educational and experience highlights include: Bachelor of Architecture, The University of Sydney, Master of Commerce, University of New South Wales.

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Contact Details

P.O. Box 20304
World Square 2004, NSW
Phone: 1300 72 66 55
Fax: 1300 72 66 33