Expert Skills #ID9842

ID9842 is a highly qualified expert who has over 40 years of experience in wildfire management and suppression cases. This includes 24 years experience working in the fields of wildfire investigations and providing expert witness services. His experience is spread throughout Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and China.

He is an Adjunct Associate Lecturer in Wildfire Investigation at an Australian university. He also has provided wildfire investigation training to police and fire officers throughout many countries including Australia, New Zealand and China.

ID9842 played a major role in developing a National Bushfire Arson Prevention Policy with the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department.

His portfolio includes a multitude of cases relating to providing specialist opinion in wildfire cause determination throughout Australia and internationally. He was awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal for his commitment to Australian Fire Services, in particular to wildfire investigation.

Education and Experience Highlights

  • Diploma of Government (Investigation)
  • Graduate Certificate in Fire Investigation
  • Graduate Diploma in Fire Investigation
  • Graduate Certificate in Applied Management

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Contact Details

P.O. Box 20304
World Square 2004, NSW
Phone: 1300 72 66 55
Fax: 1300 72 66 33