June 27, 2018

Announcing - New experts and new fields of expertise.


​A quick summary of new experts that are now working with Expert Experts and some new Field of Expertise profiles on our site.

With clients working with an extremely broad range of industries and dealing with an endless range of factual situations, ​Expert Experts are always on the lookout for high quality experts…

May 31, 2018

Paul Heath appointed Expert Experts new CEO


Paul Heath appointed new CEO of Expert Experts and ECA - Earning Capacity Assessments on Bruce Smith’s judicial appointment

Our CEO and one of our original founders, Bruce Smith, was…

April 06, 2018

Conclaves - An introduction to Conclaves (esp in the NSW District Court)


Standard Orders for Hearing

The District Court of NSW “Standard Orders for Hearing” published 11 January 2016 include clauses 6-9 “Concurrent Evidence”.

They give effect to the Joint Conferences and Joint Report (“Conclaves”) and Concurrent Evidence provisions in UCPR 31.24-26 and make them the default position if expert witnesses are to give oral evidence. Joint Conferences or Conclaves and Joint Reports happen before the trial. Concurrent Evidence happens at the trial but is largely based on the Joint Conferences or Conclaves and Joint Reports.

Conclaves and Joint Reports

In NSW the Court has the power to direct expert witnesses to confer and endeavour to reach agreement (Joint Conference or Conclave) and to prepare a joint report…

October 24, 2017

Conclaves: Court sees benefits of a facilitator


The conclusion was that the one factor most likely to predict a productive and useful Joint Conference and Joint Report was the presence of an independent experienced legal practitioner, preferably a member of the Bar, acting as a facilitator.

In the case of Coffey v Murrumbidgee Local Health District [2017] NSWSC 1441 the Defendant sought the appointment of a facilitator for a medical negligence conclave and offered to bear the…


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