Expert Skills #ID12770

ID12770 has worked for many years as a road and vehicle safety consultant in private, governmental and military capacities.

He graduated with a Master of Arts (Military Technology Management) from a renowned British university and a similar degree from the Royal Military College. In Australia, he has completed significant military training focussing on command, leadership and management skills required by high-profile ADF members, along with a Diploma in Public Administration from a prestigious Australian university.

This expert served as an Officer in the Royal Australian Engineer Corps, where much of his work involved the management, design and investigation of accidents relating to fleets of light, heavy and armoured vehicles. He also worked as the Fleet Manager for the NSW Police Force, where he coordinated all aspects of the fleet, consisting of thousands of specialty vehicles. This involved the design, testing, installation and management of new vehicle technologies such as Mobile Data Terminals, emergency warning devices and in-car video systems.

He worked for a number of years as a leading manager at a NSW government centre focused on road safety, where he was responsible for implementing government policy and regulations. For example, this involved intensive vehicle safety research programs through Crashlab and liaising with large stakeholder groups.

Currently, ID12770 heads an independent consulting firm which provides professional vehicle safety, road safety and fleet management advice. In this capacity, he has advised national and multi-national corporations, universities and governments. For example, he provided a review of an operational vehicle fleet to reduce possible accidents arising from a mining operation in Laos.

Education and Experience Highlights

  • Master of Arts (Military Technology Management) – British university
  • Graduate Diploma in Public Administration – Australian university
  • Graduate Diploma in Management Studies – Australian Military College
  • Graduate (Science) – British Military College
  • Training – Introduction to Trials Management
  • Recruiter Course – Australian Defence Force
  • Training – Equal Opportunity Employment Practices
  • Training – Defence Ethics and Fraud Awareness
  • Training – Defence Alcohol and Drug Awareness Counsellors Course
  • Training – Occupational Health and Safety Supervisors Course
  • Training – Unit Logistic Manager Course
  • Training – Instructor Development Course

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Contact Details

P.O. Box 20304
World Square 2004, NSW
Phone: 1300 72 66 55
Fax: 1300 72 66 33