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Expert Skills #ID7385
ID7385 has a career spanning four decades and in addition to his practice and various appointments he teaches post-graduate surgical education and training programs with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons and the Australian Orthopaedic Association.
Additionally he has published research on joint replacement, shoulder and arm injuries, surgical techniques and biomechanics. He has chapter contributions in texts of Emergency Medicine and Grieving.
ID7385has a thorough knowledge of medical literature, is able to research and form an evidence based opinion and has practice and skills in report writing.
Fields of Expertise
Education and Experience Highlights
M.B., B.S., F.R.A.C.S., F.A.Orth.A., A.R.S.M., Associate A.A.O.A., A.B.I.M.E.
ID7385 graduated from University in 1972 with Honours
Further ID7385 has undertaken various courses through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, The American Board of Independent Medical Examiners and the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons. These include courses in:
- Evidence Based Medicine.
- Critical literature review.
- Electronic medical data base searching.
- University on-line access to 5000 medical journals.
- Medical research writing.
- Writing expert medical reports.
- Analysis & medical statistics.
- Causation and aetiology of work related injuries.
- Independent medical examination.
- Role of the expert witness.
- Giving evidence.
- Apportionment
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Phone: 1300 72 66 55
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