Expert Skills #ID15152

ID15152 is a highly experienced forensic engineer, industrial physicist and electrical engineer who brings a wealth of knowledge in areas including batteries, hazardous waste engineering, belt conveyors, HVAC systems, boilers, hydraulics, cable damage assessment, industrial control and instrumentation, cement kilns, industrial machinery, combined cycle power plants, laboratory testing and analysis, communications systems and networks, lighting, compressors, machine guards, computer controlled systems, machinery, confined space entry, man lift safety, controls, microwave ovens / heating, corrosion, cryogenics/cryogenic engineering, and pipe conveyors. 

ID15152 is also experienced in industrial design, pipelines, diesel generators, PLC, motors, doppler radar analysis, power plants, drag conveyors, pumps, electrical accidents/shock, radio, electrical engineering (domestic and industrial), refrigeration systems, electrical equipment and power, SCADA, elevators, stress analysis, engineering project management, tagout, engineering physics, telecommunications

Escalators, thermography, fastener mechanisms, turbomachinery pumps, compressors, finite element analysis, un-interruptible power systems, food processing industry and safety, and vibration.

In addition to their educational achievements, ID15152 is in possession of several professional affiliations: they are a licensed electrical worker with Energy Safe Victoria and hold an A Class License. They are a member of the Forensic Engineering Society of Australia (FESA), and elected member for both the Australian Institute of Physics and the Institute of Physics (International, based in the UK) and a member of the Vacuum Society of Australia.

Education and Experience Highlights

Educational and experience highlights include: Bachelor’s Degree of Opto-Electronics, Advanced Certificate in Industrial Electronics, Certificate in Vibration Analysis Cat I, ISO 18436-2 (Condition Monitoring of Machinery). Additionally, they are in possession of post graduate qualifications including becoming a CMSE® Certified Machinery Safety Expert, and achieving Certificate IV in Work Place Training and Assessment, Post Graduate Certificate in Management, Certificate in OHS Management Safety, Certificate in Agile Scrum Project Management as well as Six Sigma Green Belt trained.

Contact us at or give us a call 1300 72 66 55

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Contact Details

P.O. Box 20304
World Square 2004, NSW
Phone: 1300 72 66 55
Fax: 1300 72 66 33