Hyperbaric, diving and underwater medicine concerns the medical matters which affect humans exposed to undersea environments, usually while scuba diving or working inside submarine vessels. This usually focuses on the effect of increased pressure and the inhalation of high pressured gases on the body, along with some other marine-related hazards.
At the bottom of this profile are brief details of a number of the experts that Expert Experts represents. Call our office to discuss your requirements and to obtain a recommendation that suits your needs and budget.
Expertise in Action
Diving medicine experts are extremely rare due to the specialised nature of their work. They are usually hired as consultants for government or commercial missions involving submarines. They are required to determine a diver’s fitness to dive, and in providing hyperbaric oxygen therapy for divers experiencing decompression sickness or embolisms.
Sample Reports
For some fields of expertise we have some sample sections of de-identified reports. Please contact our office if you are interested in a sample.
The overall cost of expert opinion depends on the services required. Some of the key factors that affect the cost of advice include:
- The need for a view or inspection of a location
- The quantity of documentary material to be reviewed
- Whether there are reports of other experts to be reviewed and commented on in detail
- Whether there is a need for conferences with the expert either in person or by telephone/Skype