
The construction of swimming pools is a specialised field within the discipline of building engineering. This field combines engineering principles with building construction to create structurally sound, functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing swimming pools within the regulations laid down by local city councils. Pools can extend from small undercover backyard spas to sizeable pools managed by hotels, exotic bespoke designed pools in eco-resorts, or large public Olympic 50 metre swimming pools owned and operated by city councils. They can be indoors or outdoors, and can be solitary or part of a chain of smaller plunge pools, diving pools, and children’s pools. Swimming pools can be manufactured from several common building materials such as fibreglass and concrete, but may also include metal and glass.

Constructing a swimming pool can be a challenging project that requires bulky earth-moving equipment operating in confined spaces, requiring a specific set of skills. Seeing pool construction through to completion includes the design, financial management, and planning of the safety and maintenance of all aspects of the project.

There are specific swimming pool standards that must be adhered to when carrying out construction activities, the violation of which could lead to legal matters. The most common requirement is the existence of a child-resistant pool fence of a minimum height (normally over a meter). There should be no means by which children coming from the street or from neighbouring properties should be able to access the water. Pools normally have to be registered with the state government.

At the bottom of this profile are brief details of a number of the experts that Expert Experts represents. Call our office to discuss your requirements and to obtain a recommendation that suits your needs and budget.

Expertise in Action

Experts in the field of swimming pool construction are essential in cases involving pool construction management, engineering management, general contracting, project management and safety engineering.

These experts may be required to provide expert opinion regarding swimming pool construction defects or where local council regulations have not been met. Other cases where expert opinion might be required may be in relation to contract disputes, unsafe or inefficient design, worker safety, construction contracts or violations of industry standards.

Sample Reports

For some fields of expertise we have some sample sections of de-identified reports. Please contact our office if you are interested in a sample.


The overall cost of expert opinion depends on the services required. Some of the key factors that affect the cost of advice include:

  • The need for a view or inspection of a location
  • The quantity of documentary material to be reviewed
  • Whether there are reports of other experts to be reviewed and commented on in detail
  • Whether there is a need for conferences with the expert either in person or by telephone/Skype
Relevant Articles Royal Life Saving National Drowning Report 2017

Swimming pools were the leading location for drowning among the 0-4 age group, accounting for almost half (45%) of all deaths, but fortunately there has been a 13% decrease against the 10 year average.

Pool inspection self-assessment checklists

This site provides various self-assessment checklists to give pool builders and owners an indication about whether or not their pool barrier meets the requirements in NSW. A professional inspector will use a more comprehensive and technical checklist that may result in a different outcome.

Relevant Cases Andrew Charles MacDonald v Blue Mountains City Council [2018] NSWLEC 1025

The Blue Mountains City Council issued Mr MacDonald with a direction under s23 of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 requiring him to provide a child-resistant barrier to his pool, compliant with the relevant Australian Standard.

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A sample of our experts in Engineering - Swimming pool construction

Below are short profiles of a few experts with expertise in this field. Please contact our office to discuss your specific requirements and to obtain a recommendation that suits your needs and budget. Expert Experts are experts in finding the right expert for your needs and you pay no more to use Expert Experts than if you searched and found the expert yourself.

  • #ID7391

Structural and Civil Engineer expert

ID7391 is a Director and Principal engineer with over 25 years’ experience in design and delivery of structural and civil engineering projects. He provides insight and judgment that assists in guiding clients through the many decisions required to deliver a successful outcome, and he does this in a considered, collaborative manner with our clients and other consultants sharing a common goal.

Contact us at or give us a call 1300 72 66 55

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P.O. Box 20304
World Square 2004, NSW
Phone: 1300 72 66 55
Fax: 1300 72 66 33