
Experts in this field are human factor specialists who have focused their studies on how the body is affected by lifting and exertion. Ergonomics relate to the effect of certain activities on the body, in this case, an example being lifting heavy objects, or repeating a motion to the point of energy depletion. Awareness of best ergonomic practices is especially relevant when it comes to lifting – 24% of all workplace injuries result from a strain or sprain as a result of poor lifting practices (Workplace Injury Statistics Show Safe Lifting Still Not Heeded, Marchini, 2018). Exertion is a similarly important consideration, as many of these injuries are a result of a repetitive and exhausting movement, use of which will eventually result in poorer and poorer form, eventually leading to in injury.

Ergonomics expertise in this area is usually sought to promote the well-being of employees especially, and to ensure safe practices are being promoted and enforced. Protecting employees in this way both safeguards their personal health and the interests of the employer, protecting them from legal action. Without this awareness, employees can suffer injuries precluding them from work for short or long term stretches, sometimes permanently.


Experts in this area come from many professional backgrounds. Some will be trained ergonomists, some OH&S experts, occupational therapists, human factor experts specialising in systems of work, or even engineers focused on safe work environments. They may also come from a medical background, from physiotherapists and chiropractors to doctors specialising in limb or spine injuries. The specific specialisation and background needed in your lifting and exertion expert will be determined by the matter which requires examination.

At the bottom of this profile are brief details of a number of the experts that Expert Experts represents. Call our office to discuss your requirements and to obtain a recommendation that suits your needs and budget.

Expertise in Action

Experts in the ergonomics of lifting and exertion can be called upon to assist in cases relating to workplace policy, an injury sustained through those motions or management of an injury, best practice advice, an ongoing condition, or workers compensation amongst many others.

Sample Reports

For some fields of expertise we have some sample sections of de-identified reports. Please contact our office if you are interested in a sample.


The overall cost of expert opinion depends on the services required. Some of the key factors that affect the cost of advice include:

  • The need for a view or inspection of a location
  • The quantity of documentary material to be reviewed
  • Whether there are reports of other experts to be reviewed and commented on in detail
  • Whether there is a need for conferences with the expert either in person or by telephone/Skype
Relevant Articles Workplace Injury Statistics Show Safe Lifting Still Not Heeded

A report on unsafe workplace lifting practices in recent years.

Lifting and exertion injuries decrease after implementation of an integrated hospital-wide safe patient handling and mobilisation programme

A paper on the positive effects of a hospital’s new mobilisation programme on lifting and exertion injuries.

Prevent Overexertion Injuries with Safe Lifting and Ergonomics

An article detailing guidelines for preventing injury with safe lifting practices.

Relevant Cases Bankstown Foundry Pty Ltd v Braistina [1986] HCA 20; (1986) 160 CLR 301 (13 May 1986)

A case in which the foundry was sued for damages to the spine of the respondent as a result of sustained and exhaustive motions.

Re Steven Makki and Australian Postal Commission [1992] AATA 89 (13 March 1992)

The case concerns a man who sustained a back injury, but was ordered back at work provided he utilised ergonomic lifting techniques. If these were not observed he would be in danger at work.

Harris v Accident Compensation Corporation [2009] NZACC 87 (19 May 2009)

This appeal concerns a decision declining further entitlements on the ground that the appellant had suffered an aggravation of underlying spinal pathology and that chronic symptoms were not caused by the covered injury.

Related Blog Articles

A sample of our experts in Ergonomics - Lifting and exertion

Below are short profiles of a few experts with expertise in this field. Please contact our office to discuss your specific requirements and to obtain a recommendation that suits your needs and budget. Expert Experts are experts in finding the right expert for your needs and you pay no more to use Expert Experts than if you searched and found the expert yourself.

  • #ID7335

Ergonomist - Work Health and Safety Specialist expert

ID7335 has over 20 years’ experience and currently works as a Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) consultant advising companies on their systems of work. ID7335 has an extensive background in a number of industries, including healthcare and has frequently advised local health services advising on their safe systems of work including major project review of injuries, OHS advisory and risk management process for clinical aggression and harassment injuries.

Contact us at or give us a call 1300 72 66 55

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P.O. Box 20304
World Square 2004, NSW
Phone: 1300 72 66 55
Fax: 1300 72 66 33